Academic mobility

The University of Academy of Sciences of Moldova encourages, on a permanent basis, the academic mobility of students and academic staff to various academic centers abroad.

  • EDMERICA, expert guidance for American education.  Edmerica is a project of EDUCATIVA, group of social enterprises (private organizations and NGOs) that support academic mobility in the area of personal and professional development of youth. Among the projects of EDUCATIVA there are the following projects: RIUF – the largest international fair of universities in Eastern Europe; EDMUNDO – the free advice service for studies abroad; UNIVERSALIO – advice center for applying for top universities across the world; – centralized platform for admission to universities in Romania; REVIRO – recruiting service for graduates of foreign universities (,
  • Erasmus+, European Union program for education, training, youth and sports for the period of 2014-2020. The program offers a number of opportunities for students in higher education institutions, to PhD students, employees and institutions all over the world (,;  Executive Agency in Brussels (EACEA) (
  • American Councils for International Education ACTRAACCELS, National Center for Eurasian and East European Research, program CARNEGIE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM. A mobility program dedicated to studies or research socio-humanities for PhD students and researchers from Eastern Europe (
  • The US Embassy in the Republic of Moldova offers the following mobility programs: Fulbright Foreign Scholar Program; Fulbright Faculty Development student Program; Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Programs; (; E-teacher program. A ten-week online program, coordinated by the University of Oregon, (; Shaping the way we Teach English Webinars (; Teaching excellence and achievement program (TEA), A Program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA); US Department of State, and implemented by IREX  (
  • Educational Advising Center, provides consultancy for persons interested in studying in USA (
  • AGENCE UNIVERSITAIRE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE offers academic mobility for Master’s degree programs, PhD programs, professional study visits, and research mobility for researchers, post-doctoral studies in various areas of research (
  • Campus France, a complete tool for provision of information on preparation of study visits to France (;
  • International Summer School Education, summer cap and summer schools for 2015. Summer schools for study of English language: England, St. Laurence; Scotland: Edinburgh. Summer camp for French language learning: Saint Nicolas Paris. Summer school for German language learning: Berlin (
  • Rezekne University of Applied Sciences in Latvia, offers various opportunities for study in different areas (
  • Master Programme International Development Studies, Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic, offers Master’s degree programs in the area of international relations (
  • University of Curious People, offers opportunities for participation in the Summer School – Summer School Meets Summer Festival (
  • Roma Education Fund, a scholarship program in law sciences and humanities (
  • Daugavpils University, is a higher education institution located in Eastern Latvia which provides various opportunities for undergraduate studies, Master’s degree studies and PhD studies in various areas (
  • Churchill House, Summer Residential Vacation Course, provides the opportunity to the young generation to participate in summer schools in various areas (