On 1 May 2014 Festive Meeting was held by Senate of University of Academy of Sciences awarding the insignia of Doctor Honoris Causa of UnASM Mr. Yalçın KAYA, Associate Professor, Doctor of Biology, President of the International Association of sunflower, Vice-director of University of Trakya, Turkey, director of the Center for Research in crop husbandry.
On 30 April 2014Festive Meeting was held by Senate of University of Academy of Sciences awarding the insignia of Doctor Honoris Causa of UnASM, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of Institute of Plant Research of the Russian Federation "N. I. Vavilov ", St. Petersburg, Mr. Nicolai DZIUBENCO.
On March 31, 2011, in the Conference Room of the Central Scientific Library,, Andrei Lupan "of the Academy of Sciences was held the ceremony of handing the insignia of Doctor Honoris Causa ...
On 28 May 2010, His Excellency Mr. Isfandiyar Bahtiar oglî VAHABZADE, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Moldova, was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa ...