
Bioinformatics – the technology key in the XXIst century
Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field, that has a rapid evolution and is based on usage of complex computing analyzes and computer simulations for research of biomedical data.
A new promotion of UnASM graduates
University students and professors gathered on Tuesday, June 28th, starting at 10 A.M. to celebrate the festivity of awarding Bachelor and Master Degree diplomas to the 2016’s promotion.
Rector of UnASM at the age of accomplishments
A good professor have to always learn, Science gives you the courage to think freely, University must create opportunities for each student, these are just some of the statements that reveal the belief and the value system of Maria DUCA, rector of UnASM.
Lecturer of "Global ICT policy" course, Jaechon Park, visiting UnASM
Joy and enthusiasm for the group of students, master students, PhD students and researchers – who every Wednesday participate in an on-line course, the lecturer of which is Dr.
The meeting of the scientific circle BIOS on ,,Personalized cancer diagnosis”
On Wednesday, 3rd of February was held the meeting of the Circle BIOS on: "Personalized cancer diagnosis" led by PhD student Tutuianu Valeriu working in the Immunogenetics Laboratory of the Institute of Oncology.
The meeting within the BIOS scientific circle called "Prenatal diagnosis of duchenne muscular...
On Thursday, the 28th of January, 2016, Grosu Iulia, a Junior Researcher working in the Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics within the National Center for Reproductive Health and Medical Genetics, IMSP Institute for Mother and Child Health Care held a public lecture on: "Prenatal diagnosis
The representative of the Council of Europe visiting the UnASM
On the 21th of December the Administrator of the Council of Europe's Higher Education and Research Division, Mr. Jean-Philippe RESTOUEIX, visited the University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
The professor Günter Stock visiting the UnASM
On the 20th of January, the President of the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Einstein Foundation from Berlin, Germany, Mr. Günter STOCK, visited the University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
Excellence in research developed in partnership with the University of California, Riverside, USA
In the period of 2-8 of December 2015 the University of Academy of Sciences of Moldova was visited by dr. Isgouhi Kaloshian, professor of the Department of Genetics and nematology, University of California, Riverside, USA.
Royal House of Romania offered two scholarships to UnASM students
Two University of Academy of Sciences students were awarded with scholarships from the Romanian  Royal House in a ceremony of  94 years age occasion of  His Majesty King Michael I,   that took place at Peles Castle, Sinaia.
