Department of Philosophy, History and Research Methodology

The Department for Philosophy, History and Methodology of Research is one of the oldest departments of the University, founded within the Center for Life-Long Learning of ASM during 1950s, thus being active for six decades. When the University was founded, the Department was transferred to the Department for Social sciences and Humanities.

Being endowed with extensive scientific and teaching experience, the Department ensures the training of students (Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree), providing strong ,comprehensive and up-to-date training in philosophy, complemented with skills related to sciences of communication, that allow young graduates to adjust quickly to the current and future demands of society. One of the significant roles of academic staff is to promote the spirit of free thinking, social responsibility, cultural values and values of human civilization - essential precondition in training the professional elite.

Graduates of specialty Philosophy and graduates of the Masters’ degree programs GLOBALIZATION: HISTORY, POLICIES, EUROPEAN CULTURES AND NATIONAL SECURITY are employed by various scientific institutions, mass-media organizations, customs office, national security protection centers, NGOs, as political analysts, etc.




Gheorghe Bobînă

Habilitated doctor,
university professor,
head of the Department